Mission Vision Values

The mission of the School of Engineering and Architecture is meet social needs for generation and transmission of knowledge in the fields of engineering and architecture, which is achieved through training, research, development and innovation and dissemination of scientific and technical culture, acting as a driving force behind social progress.
The vision of the School of Engineering and Architecture is to be a domestic and international benchmark in the university sphere in the fields of Engineering and Architecture, striving for excellence and continuous improvement in all its activities.
EINA duly plans all its activities in order to meet the following objectives, thusfulfilling this mission and achieving its vision:
- To train engineers and architects who are highly qualified as professionals thanks to their in-depth scientific and technical knowledge, their critical culture, and their solid human and social values, and who are enterprising, decisive and capable of responding to the needs of society, thus enhancing employability.
- To be a driving force behind social progress, establishing ongoing communication with companies and institutions, exercising technological leadership, taking part in initiatives to transform our environment and promote the creation, transfer and dissemination of knowledge.
- To design and develop a processes map, in constant evolution with all indicators, that helps ensure continuous improvement and meet all the aims and strategic objectives.
Given its culture and values, EINA assumes key aspects of a state-owned university such as University of Zaragoza, most notably:
- Applying academic and critical rigour, as typical of the University, to all its activities.
- A willingness to be constantly open to exchanges with international institutions with the same academic outlook.
- Maintaining a strong collaboration with companies and institutions.
- Constant concern for quality and continuous improvement of all its activities and processes.
- A willingness to permanently innovate in teaching and organisational methods.
- Promoting leadership, the practical, creative and entrepreneurial spirit of its members, and the collaboration of all members of the university community at EINA.
- Promoting cross-curricular training in subjects, such as Social Responsibility, Safety and Respect for the Environment.
- Enhancing the individual values of effort, discipline, tolerance and self-control, and the ability to adapt to uncertain scenarios.
- Encouraging the professional development of its university community, including both administrative and service staff and also teaching and research personnel.
- Monitoring and constantly adapting training to the needs of society.
- Personal growth of students throughout their academic training.
- Promoting students' participative spirit in governing bodies and associations, in order to ensure the proper working of the University and also to complete their training.
- Searching for those fields of research, development and innovation with most social and technological demand.
- Constantly monitoring the evolution of Science, Technology, Technology and Culture.