María de Luna, 3 - 50018 Zaragoza 976 761 864

Internationalization of Curricula through UNITA, Timisoara, 5-6 June 2024. Registration open until 15 March

Dentro del marco de la Alianza Europea UNITA, y siguiendo la estela de eventos organizados con anterioridad durante la primera fase del proyecto, la Universitatea de Vest din Timisoara (UVT)  organizará, entre los días 5 y 6 de junio de 2024, un nuevo encuentro entre representantes del profesorado de las distintas universidades que forman la Alianza.

Dado el interés que para nuestra Universidad tiene dicho encuentro os invitamos a que consideréis vuestra participación en el mismo, abriendo así líneas de colaboración en materia de titulaciones internacionales con otras universidades de la Alianza.

Correo de invitación desde la UVT:

Dear colleagues,

Continuing the successful actions of our alliance towards the internationalization of curricula, we are happy to inform you that a new edition of the Internationalization of Curricula Through UNITA (ICTU) matching event will take place at Universitatea de Vest din Timisoara (UVT), June 5-6, 2024.

In this sense, we kindly ask you to disseminate the attached call for expression of interest in participating in the ICTU 2024 in your universities. The deadline is 15 March 2024. The Internationalization of Curricula Through UNITA matching event is a unique opportunity to deepen or to initiate international collaborative actions and joint programmes between our alliance's partner universities.

Participation costs will be covered as follows: travel and accommodation by the home university, meals (lunches and dinners) and event related materials by the host university (UVT). After the initial expression of interest and preliminary matchmaking, mid-March 2024, the registered participants will be contacted concerning the next steps. Pre-reserved rooms for accommodation with discounted prices will be available for confirmed participants and the details concerning this aspect will be disseminated in March to all UNITA offices.


All the best from Timisoara,

The UVT ICTU organizing team


Enlace a la página de inscripción >> AQUÍ