Cross-Curricular Competencies

The School believes in holistic training of its students, and is committed to a model of cross-curricular competencies in which to develop lifelong learning. With this vocation in mind, three Teaching Innovation Projects have been developed over the last three years with the involvement of the whole School, working on cross-curricular competencies from a range of different approaches:
- PIEC_18_195 Management of extracurricular activities for the development of cross-curricular competencies at EINA
- PIEC_17_114 Structuring for the systematic acquisition of cross-curricular competencies in Undergraduate Degrees of the School of Engineering and Architecture
- PIIDUZ_16_425 Planning of cross-curricular competencies in Undergraduate Degrees of the School of Engineering and Architecture
DIGITAL COMPETENCIES. Digital Teaching Ring Courses. Hypatia Library
1. Basic level: Course for year 1 undergraduate students at EINA. Basic digital competency.
This course helps in the preparation of class work, and offers basic training in:
- Data information and processing: identify, locate, obtain, store, organise and analyse digital information, evaluating its purpose and relevance.
- Create content: create and edit new content, integrate background knowledge, know how to apply intellectual property rights and licences of use.
- Security: information protection, responsible and safe use of ICT.
2. Advanced level: Course for Undergraduate Dissertation students: Guide to tools and recommendations for a good Undergraduate Dissertation.
This course is a guide with information and indications on developing the Undergraduate Dissertation:
- Step 1: Know the regulations that govern your Undergraduate Dissertation
- Step 2: Choose the topic
- Step 3: Plan and search for information
- Step 4: Evaluate the information found
- Step 5: Use the information ethically
- Step 6: Choose your bibliographical reference manager
- Step 7: Draft
- Step 8: Once the work is complete... (upload the Undergraduate Dissertation, copyright, etc. to the repository)
- ACPUA Aragón Agency for University Quality Assurance and Accreditation
- Seminar Integration of Cross-Curricular Competencies in the UPV syllabus
- Analysis and synthesis skills
- Organisational and planning skills
- Oral and written communication
- Knowledge of a foreign language
- IT skills related to the field of study
- Information management skills
- Problem-solving
- Decision-making
- Teamwork
- Working in an interdisciplinary team
- Working in an international context
- Skills in interpersonal relations
- Recognition of diversity and multiculturalism
- Critical reasoning
- Ethical commitment
- Autonomous learning
- Adaptation to new situations
- Creativity
- Leadership
- Knowledge of other cultures and customs
- Initiative and entrepreneurial spirit
- Motivation for quality
- Sensitivity to environmental issues
- Ability to apply theory in practice
- Use of the Internet as a means and source of information
- Previous experience
- Ability to communicate with non-experts
- Ability to understand the language and proposals of other specialists
- Professional ambition
- Self-assessment skills
- Knowledge of a second foreign language
- Negotiation skills